Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hospitalist Peer Letter of Reference

I made this to help my colleagues, because we all get these requests.  Please feel free to use it at your discretion....


Letter of Reference by Peer(ers)

To Whom It Mayeth Concerneth

I would like to (recommend) (dump off on you)  (kill) my most (esteemed) (idiotic) colleague, the (un)forgettable  ____________________ .

In the practice of Hospital Medicine, (He)  (She) (It) is (a god walking among us) (pretty darn good, what I would hope for in a colleague) (barely manages to survive, and so do his patients) (doesn’t kill too many people) (makes Attila the Hun seem like Mother Teresa).

In day-to-day practice, he – she – it (blazes like lightning in the sky from patient to patient to ER and back again, and is finished with rounds at 930am sharp)  (works hard and spends about the right amount of time with each patient during rounds) (floats through rounds like a dandelion spore on LSD, but everyone is just so happeee when finally done at 9:30pm!  Wheee!)  (careens from room to room like a drunk mountain goat, cowing  and sometimes curing patients unlucky enough to escape his wrath, orders, and procedures-by-machete).

His -  her – the lazy slob’s -  documentation and orders are (marvels of succinct completeness.  Textbooks and talk shows are done on how to recreate these masterpieces yourself!)  (are complete, not too wordy, and nurses like their clarity) (notes and orders are f-ing longer than Tolstoy and about as useful) (what documentation?  Doesn’t believe in it!  Can’t sue what isn’t documented!  Orders?  All verbal!  What are those lazy nurses for anyway?!). 

As for procedures, he- she – the cowboy – (is the best I have ever seen.  Fast, clean, no complications or failed attempts, ever.  Other lecturers line up to watch The Master At Work)  (is pretty average, does more of some things, less of others, as most hospitalists do) (What shall we do with the drunken sailor early in the morning?!).

Regarding patient satisfaction metrics, he-she-that #$%) (is the rock of patient satisfaction that we all flock to for inspiration and meaning in our practice of medicine) (is a pretty nice, pretty clear doctor that patients like to have take care of them) (well, you see, it’s like this, you have a perambulatory disambiguation occurrence with an n of thus and incidence likewise, so therefore it follows exsanguinously that one might expect a reduction in the aftermath of the etiologic indices, you see?) (patients hide under their bed in fear, and so do the nurses). ( We are all getting pay cuts and looking for new jobs because of this jerk).

As far as personal reliability and teamwork go,  He-She- who are you talking about again? Is (a wonderful colleague.  In fact we will pay you to STOP trying to hire them, PLEASE, because our lives are not complete when they so much as leave town) (is a good colleague, and will be a fine reliable member of any team they work on) (doesn’t know what a clock is, but always shows up sometime that morning or evening as expected, and pitches in to cover colleagues) (is a hung-over dirtbag who can’t be bothered to work after payday, and the only evidence of a clock in their life is their ability to call-in 5 minutes before their shift with yet another sh*tscuse to not work) (I don’t even remember what they look like they are gone so much.  Please take them and get them out of our schedule!) (Such an antisocial jerk that I will just shoot myself now instead of hoping you are stupid enough to hire them).

So in Summary, I would like to say, that Dr. ______________  (is a phenomenal Hospitalist, so much so that I can never hope to do more than humbly walk in their shadow and hope some of their goodness rubs off on me) (is an excellent hospitalist, and would be a great addition anywhere, as they are here) (is a well-meaning, even competent, but ultimately failed physician who will never be able to match my peerless abilities.  Why don’t you hire me instead?)  (is a bumbling idiot very nice physician whom we would love to get rid of would recommend to any hospital outside of our own system) (should be in jail, or at best on an ankle bracelet program picking up trash along the roadside while being defecated on by ducks with Giardia).

Sincerely (Good Riddance)

Esteemed collegious colleague

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Settings for Cyberlink Power Director 

and the Canon Vixia HF M50 camcorder

This is for me to remember, and for anyone else who bought this nice little camcorder and is using Cyberlink software to burn disks to watch.   It took me quite a bit of experimenting over the last week to arrive at these conclusions.

Camcorder Settings: Canon Vixia HF M50

First, if you are videoing mostly stillish stuff without much movement, then Standard settings on the camcorder (AVCHD at 7mbps, 1440x1080 at 30p or the MP4/7mbps/1280x720/30 P) will probably be fine.  If none of that makes sense, you will need to read the PDF for the camcorder, and read up on video formats on the web!

However, if you are a crazy hockey parent like us, you want to get fast moving kids and pucks without horrible zebra and double-image artifact on your final output!  The Canon M50, like every other digital camera I have ever seen, comes with a plethora of junk modes to make it look like you can videotape into the next millenium on the built-in 8GB memory, much less a SD card.  Just don't expect to be able to watch any movement in the resultant video without getting sea-sick at all the zebra-striping and shadow-imaging that results from less-than-best modes!

In a nutshell, if you are videotaping sports, etc, only videotape at the highest-quality settings for AVCHD which is MXP (1920x1080/60i at 24mbps), or for MP4, which is 30P (1280x720/30p).  Then you can get milky smooth movement on your final output video - if you choose the right settings in your video output program.

Video Output Settings: Cyberlink Power Director and Power Producer

First, I can't see any particular reason to use the included software that came with the camcorder.
Cyberlink PowerDirector and Power Producer offer much more customization.  But that is to be expected, as the software that comes with most cameras is usually... pretty cheap.  I installed the VideoBrowser software that came with the camera, to see what it would do, which is basically copying the SD card contents to a cryptically named directory (Import Mgr Data) in the My Documents folder instead of in the My Videos folder on my Windows7-64 computer.  Then, you have to keep drilling down through layers of junk names to find your files, which I promptly moved to a dated folder in my server Videos directory. I got Cyberlink programs with my LG USB3 Blu-Ray drive, upgraded to the newest versions for 64bit and AMD GPU support, and am pretty satisfied with them. Makes disks and DVD iso's; Also Blu-Ray folders for more copies of Blu-Ray disks, which I haven't tried yet.

Instead, I would recommend just putting the SD card in your computer, looking for the relevant directory ("Private" for AVCHD files, and DCIM for MP4 files) and moving them where you want them so they are not lost forever when you uninstall the goofy apps Canon has you install.

Then decide what you want from your video.  If all you want is a basic dump to DVD or Blu-Ray, then Power Producer will do just fine, and is easy and reliable, and does add a nice cover screen menu with one option (PLAY) to click on.

If you want to do more editing, then try Video Editor, which has timeline, etc. Both programs allow background music track to be added.

Absolutely key, is the output choices. If you are videoing sports, you will get the best output from 60p AVCHD choices, and next best from 30p.  The interlaced and 24p options stink, making you think you are watching zebras slide across the screen, often in duplicate. But if your output is he same as the original in frame size for MP4, or 60p for AVCHD, (using progressive frame encoding), then you get gorgeous video that looks the same as when you shot it, which is the best I have seen on a consumer camcorder, bar none. I have made Blu-Ray and AVCHD DVD's that look gorgeous from last weekend's games.

What I haven't Tried and Don't Need (Probably): 

WI-FI features of the Canon M50 have been pretty poorly reviewed everywhere I have seen them, and to me, seem like a waste of my phone data allowance and my time, when copying the SD card to computer is much faster by just plugging it into the computer.  Also, copying the internal 8GB by wireless would be an exercise in patience that I don't have, and hoping no errors from dropped signal, etc.  And that is if I would be patient enough to do the wireless setup everytime my router gets turned on and off, which isn't likely.

To me, until the newer post-N wireless is incorporated into cameras, wireless is just too slow for either my DSLR or for video files, both of which eat up memory like me at a burger joint...

Auto-upload to You-Tube, etc via wireless or built-in software
Yeah, I've uploaded videos of my kids without any title screen etc.  Painful to watch.  In general, not a great idea except of your kids, for adoring family to watch!


I'll get a video up to YouTube when I have the time.

At first trial, using the camera in Standard Mode was a little disappointing, and similarly Cyberlink defaults, with seasickness-inducing videos coming out on my TV from hockey video that looked great on HDMI from the camcorder.

But if you choose highest quality video to start with, and highest quality output, then the digital video output is phenomenal!  I am very happy with the results of the combination of camera and software.

Let me know if any comments...